Right people in the right place
We are proud that our assurance team is made up of chartered building engineers and chartered surveyors all of whom have a strong background in fire safety, regulatory compliance, fire risk assessments and surveying.
Site inspections
Part of the assurance team’s role is to work with contractors and building owners, undertaking surveys and audits and overseeing construction activities. This helps ensure the original design intent is achieved.
Ongoing support
The team can also offer a guiding hand, navigating the complexities of each job to ensure final outcomes align seamlessly with the client’s needs.
Fire risk assessments
We have developed new and novel approaches to all of our fire risk assessment activities. This is driven by a desire to step away from qualitative interpretations of fire risk. Our approaches adopt scoring mechanisms that are underpinned by statistical data, and in some cases fire engineering calculation. Our preference for quantitative approaches is driven by our desire to ensure everyone is aware of the risk and cost benefits of the decisions to be taken.
Risk mapping
Maintaining an acceptable fire safety standard can be difficult especially when monies are scarce. For large estates (eg. hospitals) we are often asked how limited monies can be best spent for maximum benefit.
We have a range of computational tools that help others make informed decisions about fire risk. Some come with interactive 3D models that show, by way of a simple R-A-G rating, how ongoing, completed and future works are progressing. Our visual method of reporting is beneficial because it ensures important information is not hidden away in detailed reports that are not read or understood by the majority.
A copy of our competence statement can be requested by clicking A full list of services is on “our work” page.